“We started the Clear River Network because we felt like there was a need for churches and ministries who were committed to stay in revival to connect to each other. Our main emphasis is to keep leaders refreshed and to keep their focus on relationship with God.”
– Dr. Charles Stock
Co-Founder, Clear River Network
The Clear River Network is a group of pastors, ministers, kingdom entrepreneurs, churches, ministries, itinerants, and kingdom businesses seeking:
Refreshing, Relationship, and Resource.
We trust the inspirational process when kingdom and revival minded people gather on purpose.
The purpose of the Clear River Network is to provide opportunities for relational interchange and encouragement. We want to cultivate creativity and overflowing life in ministries that share common values, pursuit of the Great Commandment,
and a passion for sustained renewal and revival
from generation to generation.
There is an incredible team of leaders who have the experience and the desire to help you grow in relationship
with each other and with God.

The purpose of the CRN is to provide opportunities for relational interchange and mutual encouragement, cultivating the release of creativity and overflowing life in ministries that share common values revolving around the wholehearted pursuit of the Great Commandment and a passion for sustained renewal and revival.
To this end some of our goals are:
Encourage each other to run after God passionately.
To live in freedom from the fear of man or the ungodly pressure to “make the church grow” by various techniques.
To create a network by which resources can be shared.
To shape a culture that will sustain revival from generation to generation.